June 29 through
July 3, 2011
Ride will start at 6:00-6:30 am each day.
July 3, 2011
Ride will start at 6:00-6:30 am each day.
Each days ride begins and ends in Lincoln, NE
at Bike Pedalers, 1631 Pine Lake Rd
at Bike Pedalers, 1631 Pine Lake Rd
5 days = $250
Includes Jersey
1 BBQ Ticket
Lunch Each Day
SAG: provided by Bike Pedalers.
1 Day = $65
Includes T-Shirt
1 BBQ Ticket
SAG: provided by Bike Pedalers.
Each additional Day = $50
Includes Lunch
SAG: provided by Bike Pedalers.
Leave time: 6:00-6:30am each day.
Lunch menus will vary each day.
ALL riders are required to wear a bike helmet, ride in accordance to Nebraska traffic laws, ride single file, and stay to the right of the road.
Bike Pedalers will provide emergency mechanical support along the way. You are encouraged to carry a patchkit, spare tubes, pumps and tools. There will be no medical support. It is recommended you carry your own first aid kit and be prepared to deal with minor medical problems.
Register for the ride at Active.com.
100 miles a day for 5 straight days
What it is:
A bike ride. Pace is yours.
What it isn't:
A race. No cash prizes. But there is BLING! Each rider who completes a full 100 mile day will receive a medal. So, you could potentially receive 5 medals. That's not all! If you ride ALL 5 days, not only do you get daily medals, you will receive a big piece of BLING! How cool is that?
Do you have to ride all 5 days?
Nope. You can ride one (1) day, two (2) days, three (3) days, four (4) days, or all five (5) days. It's your ride, your challenge, your passion.
What about SAG?
Bike Pedalers will provide emergency mechanical assistance, however, you are responsible for your own wake up call, energy, drinks, snacks, injuries, phone calls and flats. The ride organizers are not responsible for any accidents, injuries, bad attitudes or sore muscles. If you can't hack it, don't ride it.
Where will we ride to?
Several 100 mile routes are in the planning process. One will be designated based upon the weather forecast for that morning. We will start and end in the same place.
Where do I pick up my packet?
Event packets will be available for pick-up on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 from 3:00-7:00pm at the starting point (Bike Pedalers, 1631 Pine Lake Rd, Lincoln, NE). You can also pick up your packet the each morning before the ride begins at 6:00 am.
Last Day BBQ!!!
There will be a BBQ on Sunday, July 3, 2011 for all registered riders. A BBQ ticket is included in your registration fee. You will need this ticket to eat. If you'd like to purchase additional tickets, they are $10 each. Included are two side items and drinks. The BBQ will be from 2:00pm until 5:00pm.